
By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview Game theory is, according to Investopedia, “a theoretical framework for conceiving social situations among competing players”. Basically, what this means is analysing what one person should do, assuming they are rational and acting in their own self-interest, contingent upon what other people are going to do. Before its...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview In stark opposition to the ideas of Keynes, demand side theorists, large government advocates, and those pushing for higher tax rates, supply side economic theory posits lower taxes, more business freedom, and incentivising growth through production, investment and saving, rather than just “spend, spend, spend”.  As Keynesian...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview Bonds are instruments of debt. Companies use bonds as a way to raise capital without diluting shareholders equity. To a business, a bond is a gamble that a certain project will yield enough return to pay back investors, and for investors, bonds are a tool to limit...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. What are Bonds?e A bond is a unit of debt, usually issued by a government or company. They have regular payments called coupons (physical bond certificates used to have physical coupons attached to them) and are guaranteed to hold their value if you wait for their expiry (unless...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview Goods are items that satisfy human wants and provide utility. The key distinction between a good and service is that a good is transferrable, meaning that it can move location without changing what it is. Classification of Goods Because so many things can satisfy our wants, and...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview From the 9th of March 2009 to the 20th of February, the US stock market grew almost 4 times – 380%. By pure length of time, this is the longest bull market in history, standing at exactly 4,000 days. In terms of returns generated by a single...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview Microeconomics is the study of interactions on a small scale – the hint is in the name. By analysing the way consumers and producers interact, microeconomics aims to understand the behaviours of these actors, and the relationship is between supply, demand, and equilibrium. Microeconomics, according to Investopedia,...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview The law of demand is incredibly simple on the surface level, positing that “there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.” The opposite of supply-side theory, this theory is Keynesian in nature, meaning that most of the ideas and behaviors of markets are explained by...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview The invention, or at least the popularization of GDP is usually attributed to Simon Kuznets after he devised a more effective way to measure economic welfare in 1934 during the Great Depression. Becoming more and more popular after the Second World War, especially in Europe as their...
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By Aidan Hackett. Edited by Arjun Chandrasekar. Overview As the Great Depression set in around the world, John Maynard Keynes’ home, the UK, was particularly ill affected. Keynesian economics is often referred to as “depression economics” because of the time in which Keynes was inspired to start creating this theory. He began noticing that the...
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